The British Beard and Moustache Championships

The British Beard and Moustache Championships
September 15th 2012
Brighton Dome - Corn Exchange

Brighton Dome Corn Exchange

Celebrating the Best of British Facial Hair in 2016

The British Beard and Moustache Championships 2016 Saturday October 15th St. Georges Hall, Liverpool

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The 2012 Event in Brighton

The first British Beard and Moustache Championships 2012 at Brighton Dome - Corn Exchange on September 15th 2012 was a sell-out success! We are astonished and delighted by the huge response, warm good wishes and thanks we've had from the hundreds of spectators and contestants who came to the event.

The house was full to the brim with cheering audience members, and everyone had a really great and memorable day they'll remember for a long time, and they have told us so. We saw a wonderful variety of facial hair styles, from the elegant through to the fantastic, and the competition was very stiff, which in many of the categories was quite literally true!

Britain's best Full Beards and Handlebar Moustaches were the most hotly contested styles and all the contestants in all the categories put on a really great show. The Organising team from the Handlebar Club and The British Beard Club sincerely thank all our spectators, contestants, judges, sponsors, production staff and volunteers for making the BBMC such a smooth-running and entertaining show.

£2416 was raised at the British Beard and Moustache Championships 2012 and the donation was split equally between the Martlets Hospice and Macmillan Cancer Support.

The presentation was made to Rob Moon of Macmillan Cancer Support and Antonia Shepherd of the Martlets Hospice by BBMC chairman David Dade and a thatch of furry-faced friends in Brighton on December 21st 2012.

Brighton's daily paper The Argus kindly reported and photographed the handing-over ceremony. The paper also features a photo gallery of furry faces seen at the BBMC on September 15th 2012 at Brighton Dome - Corn Exchange.

BBMC Contestant David Alcorn, Regional Organiser for The "Incredible" British Beard Club talks about beards, contests and grooming to Brooke Burfitt, morning show presenter on Hayes FM, London community radio station.
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Best Made False Beard